Column Levels on an EasyKAD™ Team Delivery Kanban Board
An EasyKAD™ Team Delivery Kanban Board has three (3) levels of columns.
First Level
The five top level columns: Planning; Ready to Do; Work in Progress; Done and Archive. These columns are fixed and cannot be edited nor removed.
The important thing to note is that cards within Work In Progress are used in analytics to show the productivity and performance of the kanban board.
Second Level – Column
Columns are the middle level. A column is typically used to present some closely related grouped tasks into an activity in the process. The column name signifies this activity.
Third Level – Sub-Column
Sub-columns are the lowest level of column. A common use case for Sub-Columns is to split a Column into two sub-columns so the demand for that activity can be more easily recognised.
In this use case, sub-columns are typically named a Queue and an In Progress or Doing.
It may be helpful to a different column color for all the Queue sub/columns so they can be easily recognised as a waiting zone.
Imporant: Internal Columns are Not a column level
Internal columns can be applied to both Columns and Sub-Columns. They act like a divider or internal filing system to help keep the order of cards within a column or sub-column, particularly when there is a large quantity of cards. There is no time tracking or movement tracking based on a card’s position amongst Internal Columns.