Our Philanthropy
Kanban Accelerated Delivery focuses its charity to Winds of Hope (www.WindsOfHope.com.au).
Becci Watson, Founder of KAD is a volunteer, non-remunerated Board Member of Winds of Hope. Winds of Hope is currently fundraising to build a girls’ primary school in rural Uganda.
If you’d like to join us, check out their biggest event this year Climb for Kids (www.ClimbforKids.com.au ) where you can join like-minded Aussie managers as they prepare to climb the tallest mountain in Africa while corporate fundraising to make a difference to those in poverty.
Becci says that “Sometimes the need is so big, that we feel overwhelmed. I had wanted to get involved with a charity for some time, but it didn’t sit well with me that so much of my hard earned donation were going to charities that spent up to 80% on administration and overheads.”
“Winds of Hope doesn’t pay any of its Australian volunteers, that includes its Board members. We provide our time as a ‘donation in kind’. It’s also a charity that is independent of any religion.
We’re a community of that is using the talents we have to make a difference, and we’re starting with those with the greatest needs.”
Kanban Accelerated Delivery (KAD) practices Social Entrepreneurship and all revenue from its Playing Lean Product Development Workshops are donated exclusively to Winds of Hope.