Welcome to Kanban Accelerated Delivery
Hi! I’m Becci Watson, the founder of Kanban Accelerated Delivery. Most people prefer to abbreviate our name to KAD.
KAD is not just our company name, it’s a brand name that defines a way of working. At KAD, we believe and can scientifically demonstrate to you that with the right tools, training and mentoring, your staff can deliver more value, faster than ever before.. without working longer hours.
You may be interested to know that internally, we’re also continuously applying the same ways of working to our business. Using kanban boards, we are able to measure our progress and have a relentless focus on continuous learning.
For years, I have witnessed ‘ordinary’ people doing knowledge work that I was managing, (who didn’t necessarily have above average IQ or magical talents), achieve exceptional results that were definitely out of the ordinary. Only when I started to scientifically measure and quantify these results did I fully appreciate the impact this was having to a business’ return on investment (ROI).
I realised that regardless of the best research I’d studied in my MBA about leading people, the reality was that we’d been managing and continued to manage our staff exactly the same way for decades. We’d been fed a lie. This lie was that to be the best, stay ahead of the competition and win at all costs, we had to work harder and longer hours than anyone else.
It was more than implied, it was demanded that I ensure all my staff were busy 100% of the time and that they were working hard, which typically meant longer hours to reach unrealistic deadlines. The irony being that no matter how much we busted our guts trying, it was still never enough.
My search for the alternative way of working began very early in my twenties, when I was managing a team of people, many of whom were twice my age, most with more degrees than me. I was exhausted! Micromanaging them every day, to make sure no time was wasted and then performance managing them when they didn’t meet my exceptionally high standards (most of which were in my head).
The last few decades I’ve incrementally gathered more techniques to forming ways of working that mathematically proves ‘Working Smarter, Not Harder’ produces greater results. Today, I have enough. More than enough to share with managers that have the desire to apply the same and a curiosity to just give it a go.
Come on a journey with us. The journey of a business’ or team’s transformation of their ways of working begins with you, their manager.